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Fatima Varner interviewed by multiple sites about her research on race-related stressors on family dynamics and adolescents

Assistant Professor Fatima Varner has been interviewed multiple times this summer to share insights of her research on race related stressors on Black families and adolescent outcomes. Not only does she share findings on her research, but she also gives a perspective of discrimination Black students and academics face in the pipeline to college and while attending or working at a university. She makes a call for better mentoring programs for Black high school, undergraduate and graduate students and more applied research for underrepresented populations.

Read more in the following articles:

​"​July 2020 Researcher's Window: Dr. Fatima Varner

from the Society for the Study of Human Development [SSHD]

"Black in Academia: An interview with UT psychologist Fatima Varner"

​from the Austin-American Statesman