News: Research


Five Lessons from UT Austin Science about Planning for Living with Heat

In our endless summer, research on heat impacts offers insights on how best to adapt.

CNS Scientists have been applying their research in ways that will help communities respond to heat.


Depression in LGBTQ Youth Linked with Lack of Parental Support, Controlling Behavior

The study also found whether a young person was out to their parents mattered.

A pair of hands ties a rainbow ribbon on the wrist of another arm


As Temperatures Climb, Preschoolers Become Less Physically Active

“Go outside and play”—the time-tested strategy for generations of parents and caregivers ready to see their little ones tuckered out by exercise—may be fading in impact as temperatures rise.

A preschool aged boy plays in a water sprinkler with bright sunlight shining


7 Insights About Aging from College of Natural Sciences Researchers

In honor of International Day of Older Persons, learn about insights from UT Austin researchers related to aging and older individuals.


UT News

Cognitive Impairment in Hispanic Adults Linked to Discrimination Experiences

Experiences with discrimination may be linked with disproportionate rates of cognitive decline in marginalized populations.

A Hispanic woman, left, is hugged by a man in a blue shirt on the right


Young Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults Have Worse Mental Health than Older Ones

Younger LGBQ adults are physically healthier, but have worse psychological health than older LGBQ people, study finds.

Shadow of a young person wearing a backpack on a white wall

UT News

Weight Gain in Pregnancy May Be Linked to Later Growth Patterns in Daughters

Patterns of weight gain in pregnancy may offer clues to how children will grow.

Photo of a pregnant woman seated as she looks at an ultrasound photo

UT News

How a Natural Disaster Can Bring Couples Closer

A new study has implications for how to help families in the aftermath of natural disasters.

An older man in a yellow rain coat holds the arm of an older woman, right, as they wade through ankle-deep flood waters during Hurricane Harvey

UT News

Black Families Are Combating the Effects of Discrimination on Their Children Through Talks

Conversations between parents and children have been shown to improve outcomes for the children.

A Black man, left sits beside a Black boy on a front porch as the two talk

UT News

Older Adults Are Happier When Space Matches Personality

People who have a match between personality and living space report better well-being.

Artist image of a living room with lasers and static superimposed over the top