Nutritional Sciences

Bridging Food and Health
Nutritional sciences examine how diet intersects with human experience at many levels: from the molecular level—of genes, metabolites and cells—to the systems level: individual people, families and societies. Scientists here explore the interconnectedness of human systems, through basic and applied research, and involve students in their research.
Ultra-Processed Foods Pose Unique Dangers for People With Type 2 Diabetes
Researchers found ultra-processed foods, even diet ones, bring distinct risks for people with diabetes.

Scientists Uncover Technique to Cut Off Cancer’s Fuel Supply
The discovery could lead to better treatments for acute myeloid leukemia in vulnerable populations.

Nuance Needed Regarding Weight-Gain Recommendations During Pregnancy
Patients with obesity while pregnant may receive recommendations from their doctors that need revisiting, researchers say.

Dell Medical School
Marissa Burgermaster: Breaking Down Your ‘Gut’ Feelings on Nutrition
Food is one of many factors impacting health, but it can be one of the most difficult to solve for — requiring understanding of nutrition, human behavior, socioeconomic forces and more.

Food for Thought: Nutrition Researcher Embraces the Toughest Subjects
Beth Widen, a nutrition researcher at The University of Texas at Austin, is seeking to untangle the complex relationship between nutrition in pregnancy and infancy, and health outcomes down the road.