News: Research
Ultra-Processed Foods Pose Unique Dangers for People With Type 2 Diabetes
Researchers found ultra-processed foods, even diet ones, bring distinct risks for people with diabetes.

Researchers Identify Promising Combination Therapy for Common Blood Cancer
By exploiting the metabolism of cancer cells, researchers can make hard-to-treat cancers more susceptible to existing drugs.

In-Person Contact Linked With Lower Levels of Loneliness in Older Adults
Despite our hopes for technological ways to bridge connections between older adults and social partners, phone and digital contact cannot alleviate loneliness in the same way.

Transitioning Gender Identities Is Not Linked With Depression
A landmark longitudinal study of LGBTQ+ youths has found that transitioning gender identities is not associated with depression.

Better Sleep Can Reduce Worry and Rumination in Older Adults
People’s perceptions of their sleep also proves to have stronger associations with their worry and rumination than objective sleep quality monitored with a device.

First Recognition of Self in the Mirror Is Spurred by Touch
New evidence reveals that young children learn self-awareness through experiences of touch.

Scientists Uncover Technique to Cut Off Cancer’s Fuel Supply
The discovery could lead to better treatments for acute myeloid leukemia in vulnerable populations.

Nuance Needed Regarding Weight-Gain Recommendations During Pregnancy
Patients with obesity while pregnant may receive recommendations from their doctors that need revisiting, researchers say.

Caregiving Can Be Stressful, But It Could Also Lower Risk of Depression
Becoming a caregiver to an older relative can decrease risk of depression.

The Neighborhood You Grow Up in May Impact Your Cognitive Health Decades Later
Jean Choi, Elizabeth Muñoz and collaborators identified associations between neighborhood cohesion and cognitive health.