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PBH 341

Public Health Internships: In the fall and spring semesters and long summer session, we offer a 3-credit hour internship course (PBH 341R) with sites at The University of Texas at Austin, non-profit organizations, and state and local health departments. Internships can be in-person, hybrid, or virtual.  This collaborative program gives undergraduate public health students the opportunity to explore careers in epidemiology, health behavior, or public health management. Students conduct goal-oriented, one-semester research projects in data analysis, literature review, or stakeholder engagement, under the mentorship of state and local public health practitioners.


Internship Impact

The real-world experiences in Public Health internships have influenced students’ career choices and have been instrumental in their acceptance into graduate schools of public health and to employment in the public health workforce in Texas.  Students are often involved with programs for vulnerable populations such as persons experiencing homelessness and veterans.  Topic areas include nutrition, infectious diseases, and traumatic injuries.  


What students are saying about the Public Health Internship Programs:

"This opportunity has been crucial to my undergraduate experience for it has confirmed my interest in epidemiology. As an undergraduate there are few options to explore the field of public health. I feared my lack of real-world experience would be a hindrance, in regards to my acceptance into a graduate program and my confidence in choosing the right career. I have been accepted into several top schools of public health with scholarship offers from all but one. I will be attending Harvard School of Public health this coming fall, where I have been awarded a Goldsmith Fellowship. I am confident that my acceptances and fellowships are due to my involvement in the public health internship program."

"The people I met and the experiences I lived have become memorable and of great benefit both personally and professionally. The positive feedback received from the people at TDSHS left me with a desire to continue in the field."