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- Q Drop and Pass/Fail
Over Maximum Hours Request: to go over 14 hrs (summer) or 17 hrs (fall)
Time Conflict Override

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Summer 2024 q-drop or Withdrawal:

Reach out to your academic advisor for any questions about Q drop, pass/fail, and withdrawal! Summer deadlines come up very quickly. Carefully review the following information before submitting a request, including the CNS Non-Academic Coordinator resources and Additional Considerations for minimum grade requirements and pre-health professions tips.

Through the 4th class day/day of school (by 5pm CST), courses can be dropped or changed to pass/fail using the online registration system without a Q drop. The Q drop period for summer courses begins after this through the last class meeting day before finals. Pass/fail deadlines occur more quickly during the session though, see deadlines below.

For more summer add/drop dates, see the Registration page of our website and the CNS website.

Dropping all summer classes ("withdrawal"): If you have paid tuition but intend to drop all summer classes, it's important to initiate this process as soon as possible by emailing CNSinfo@austin.utexas.edu including name, EID, course # and unique numbers. You can't drop all courses on your own using the online registration system.

  • For a full refund, this must be requested before the first class day of the session. You can still drop all classes on/after the first class day, but the refund amount will begin to decrease.
  • If you are only registered for Second term summer classes, you can still drop all classes for a full refund as long as you email CNS before the first class day of the second term.
  • If you are only dropping/changing individual courses but remaining registered for other courses, you can follow the normal add/drop schedule and procedures. 

Q Drop & Pass/Fail:

Request Link: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/cola/rtk/student_reg_change

  • Link available on 5th day of the term.
  • Before then, use the online registration system to drop courses (check RIS page for access times).

Deadlines: All deadline times are 11:59pm CST.

  • Pass/Fail (becomes general elective hours only):
    • First, Nine-Week, Whole Summer Term: June 27th 
    • Second Term: August 2nd

  • Q Drop: Last class meeting day of the term before finals.
    • First session: July 11th
    • Nine-week session: July 30th
    • Whole Session: August 16th
    • Second term: August 16th

Q Drop Information:

    • Q dropped courses do not affect GPA. The transcript will have a "Q" instead of a grade.
    • Students are allowed up to 6 Q drops total during their time at UT. 
    • Because the Q drop deadline for summer school is on the last class day of the session, the late OTE Q drop option is not required/relevant for summer school courses. 
    • Your Q drop request can take several days to fully process at the Registrar's office. Until then, it will still appear on you Canvas page and schedule. However once you submit your request, you can stop going to class.
    • Lecture/lab combos may require dropping both depending on which you want to drop - ask your academic advisor if you have any questions.
    • See the Additional Considerations section below for tips for pre-health professions students, and minimum grade requirements.

Pass/Fail: Classes changed to pass/fail become general elective hours only for total degree hours and can't fulfill specific degree requirements (ex. core, flags, major/minor). 

International students may verify they are eligible to drop by contacting International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) at hotline@austin.utexas.edu.

Students with questions about how Q-drops affect their Financial Aid, Scholarships, Veteran Benefits, NCAA Eligibility or Visa status, should contact the appropriate office prior to requesting the drop or pass/fail. Texas One Stop is a great resource should you be uncertain of where to go.

It should be noted that Q drop and pass/fail requests are FINAL and CANNOT be rescinded. If you have any questions regarding how your request will affect you academically, please contact your assigned academic advisor.

CNS Non-Academic Coordinators: drops/withdrawals, signature for medical withdrawAl

If at any time this semester you experience significant non-academic circumstances that are impeding your academic progress, please contact a CNS Non-Academic Coordinator to discuss your options and support resources. Examples of non-academic events include hospitalizations, death of a family member/friend, victim of crime, pregnancy/parenting complications, etc.  

See more information about CNS non-academic support on the CNS website here.

Non-Academic Coordinator Appointments:

For any questions, please e-mail your advisor or CNSinfo@austin.utexas.edu


Additional Grade & Health Professions Considerations:

  • Health Professions Students:
  • Grade Requirements:
    • Major requirements (ex. science, major classes): C- or better
      • Note for pre-health prequisites, a C- may not be acceptable to meet prereqs. Check with HPO for advice.
    • Minor/Certificate: typically C- or better, see program websites and degree audit for details.
    • Core Curriculum: D- or better
      • If transferring credit from another school, C or better is required for transfer.
      • If this is overlapping with a Minor/Cert course that requires C- or better, then C- or better is required.
    • Flags: D- or better
      • If the course is being used for both a flag and your major requirements, then C- or better is required.
    • Pass/failed courses count as elective hours only and will not fulfill specific degree requirements or flags. To pass and receive credit ("CR") on transcript, a D- or better is required.  An F=F.  See pass/fail section above.

  •  Dropping to less than 12 hours: 
    • If you will be going from 12+ hours to below 12 hours for the semester, we recommend to confirm how this may or may not impact things like financial aid and scholarships.
    • The Texas One Stop office is the best place to check in with: by phone, email, or stop by their office in the Tower (first floor)!


Over Max Hours Requests:

  • To request to take more than 14 hrs for Summer 2024 or 17 hours for Fall 2024, fill out this request survey: https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eFEPeWsqxi9z0bQ

  • To be approved, you must have a 2.5+ GPA and have completed a successful 14-15 hr semester previously.  Approval is also at the discretion of your academic advisor considering this criteria and overall course history.

  • Time frame for approval:
    • Requests are processed the business day before classes begin.  An exception is made for those graduating in Fall 2024.  See details below.
    • Fall 2024 graduates:
      • Your request will be processed before registration begins, or within 24 hrs if submitted during registration. If you submit your request during registration, please notify your advisor via email to alert them to your request.
    • For all others not graduating in Fall 2024: 
      • Your request will be processed the business day before school starts by 5:00pm on Friday, August 23rd (school starts Monday 08/26).
    • For requests submitted after school starts: please allow up to 24 business hours for processing.  Email your academic advisor if it is urgent.  The last day to add a class on your own using the online registration system is the fourth day of school each semester (second day of school for summer sessions).


Time Conflict Override:

  • If you need to add a class that has a time conflict with another class on your schedule, this requires permission from both instructors of the conflicting classes. 
  • You will need an email from both professors confirming that this is okay with them based on whatever plan you can work out. Forward both of these emails to your academic advisor, include your EID, and list the course details of both the current class on your schedule and the class you are requesting to add (course # and unique #'s). 
  • Do this during your open registration period. Please keep in mind that we help with time conflict ovverides for PBH, H E, NTR, HDF, and TXA courses only.

All forms can be accessed through clicking the hyperlinks below. Please schedule an appointment with your academic advisor if you have any questions. 


Form Notes Deadline
Over Max Hours  Request to clear bar and take 18+hours Rolling
Letter Grade to Pass/Fail Change course grade to P/F

See deadlines above.

Pass/Fail to Letter Grade Change a Pass/Fail to letter grade See deadlines above.
Time Conflict Override Request permission to take two courses with overlapping times During registration
Q-Drop Used to drop a course after add/drop period See deadlines above.
One-Time Exception (OTE) Also known as an emergency Q-Drop used to drop a course or fully withdrawal after the regular Q-Drop deadline. May be used ONCE during entire academic career at UT. IS counted towards the total 6 Q-Drop limit. Requests must be emailed to CNSinfo@austin.utexas.edu. Not relevant for Summer.