Online Forms



Spring 2025 Registration Information

Important Deadlines:

  • Add/Drop Registration: See Specific Deadlines Below

  • Regular Q Drop, Pass/Fail, and Withdrawal: April 16, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (CST)

  • One-Time Exception (OTE Q Drop or Withdrawal: April 28, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (CST)


Add/Drop Registration Information

  • Adding a Course 
    • A student may add a class on their own using the online registration system up until the 4th class day (January 16, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. (CST)). 
    • Any requests to add a class after the 4th class day must go directly through the department of the course you wish to add. 
  • Dropping a Course
    • A student may drop a course using the online registration system up until the 12th class day, (January 29, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. CST) 
    • Any drops made after this deadline will be considered a “Q Drop” and will remain on the student’s record, without affecting their GPA. 
  • Note: See the CNS website for more information about adding and dropping courses.

Time Conflict Override

If you need to add a class with a time conflict:  

  1. Obtain permission from both instructors via email
  2. Forward both of these emails to your academic advisor
    1. include your EID
    2. include a list the course details of both the current class on your schedule and the class you are requesting to add (course # and unique #'s). 
  • Note: Do this during your open registration period. Please keep in mind that we help with time conflict overrides for PBH, H E, NTR, HDF, and TXA courses only.

Q drops and One-Time Exception Q Drops

A Q Drop is a request to drop a class of a semester without affecting a student's GPA. There are two types of requests: a Q Drop and a One-Time Exception Q Drop (available to request after the initial Q Drop deadline has passed), below you can find more information. 

  • Q Drop

    • A Q Drop is a request to drop a class of a semester without affecting a student's GPA. Request a Q Drop here
      • Important Notes on Q Drops: 
        • A Q drop does not affect your GPA (you will see a "Q" on your transcript instead of a grade). 
        • Up to 6 Q drops are allowed during your time at UT. The OTE Q drop counts as one of your six. 
        • Requests are processed immediately and cannot be rescinded. It may appear on your Canvas page and schedule for a couple of days after you submit your request. However, once you submit your request, you can stop going to class. 
      • Advising Considerations: 
        • Your advisor may need to review your request if dropping will put you below 12 hours or if it's your graduating semester. 

        • Lecture/lab combos may require both to be dropped. Contact your academic advisor for more details.

If you missed the regular Q Drop deadline (April 16, 2025), you may still be eligible to request a late Q drop or full withdrawal through One-Time Exception (OTE) until April 28, 2025.  

  • One-Time Exception (OTE) Q-Drop
    • Eligibility: You must not have already utilized your OTE earlier in your academic career. 
      • How to Apply: 
        • Submit your OTE request online via the OTE Q Drop Request Link. 
          • This link will be added after we pass the Q Drop Deadline. 
        • For a full withdrawal (dropping all classes), email
      • Advising: No advisor meeting is required before submitting your request, but you may reach out if you have questions. 

Carefully review the information below before submitting your online request, including the CNS Non-Academic Coordinator resources, grade requirements, pre-health professions tips.

Registration Change Requests

A registration change request could include changes, such as requesting a course to be graded as a Pass/Fail course or withdrawals from the university. You can request registration changes here

  • Pass/Fail:
    • Eligibility Requirements: 
      • 30 credit hours completed (excluding current coursework). 
      • A D- or above earns credit (CR), but F counts in GPA. 
      • A Pass/Fail course does NOT fulfill specific degree requirements (e.g., Core, Flags, Major, Minor, Certificate). 
    • Note: If the course is a prerequisite, it must be retaken for a letter grade. 
  • Withdrawal Information 

    • A withdrawal means dropping all courses for this semester. All students wishing to withdraw must also have a brief appointment with a CNS Non-academic Coordinator to finalize the withdrawal. Schedule your appointment here

    • After the withdrawal deadline (April 28, 2025), students will need to email for assistance.  

Additional Considerations

  • International Students: may verify they are eligible to drop by contacting International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) at  

  • Pre-Health Professions Students:

  • Financial Aid, Scholarships, Veteran Benefits, NCAA Eligibility, or Visa Status: Contact the appropriate office before submitting any request. Texas One Stop is a great resource for guidance. 


  • It should be noted that Q drop and pass/fail requests are FINAL and CANNOT be rescinded. If you have any questions regarding how your request will affect you academically, please contact your assigned academic advisor.

Key Reminders

  • Finality of Requests: All Q drop and pass/fail requests are final and cannot be rescinded. Be sure to understand the academic impact before submitting your request. 

  • Advising Resources: If you have questions, reach out to your academic advisor to ensure you're making an informed decision. 

Grade Requirements & Non-Academic Resources

For important information about grade requirements, pre-health professions tips, and CNS Non-Academic Coordinator resources, visit the CNS Policies & Non-Academic Resources page of our website on the lefthand menu.

Also see the CNS Policies & Procedures website.


Over Maximum Hours Request for Summer/Fall 2025

If you wish to register for more than 14 credit hours in the Summer semester OR more than 17 credit hours in the Fall semester, you must submit an Over Maximum Hours Request. 

Summer and Fall registration will occur April 7th - 18th. The Course Schedule and your Registration Information Sheet (RIS) Page with your specific access times will be available about two weeks before the registration period.

Use this Over Max Hours Request form if your advisor is located at the SoHE Advising Center (Angela, Jill, Briana, Ty, Vivi). 

  • Eligibility: 
    • Must have a 2.5+ GPA
    • Must have completed 14-15 credit hours in a recent semester.
    • Approval is at the discretion of your academic advisor. 
  • Submission Timeline: 

    • Requests are processed the business day before the semester begins

    • Graduating seniors in their final semester can request approval before or during registration. 

See the online request form for more details and email your advisor if you have any questions or concerns!