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Here are a few resources for reviewing degree requirements and preparing for registration:

  • Sample Degree Plans (below): These are provided as an example of a semester layout and are not official degree checklists. Your schedule may vary depending on class availability.

  • CNS Degree Checklists (click here) & University Catalog (click here): Official degree requirements.

  • Interactive Degree Audit (click here): The IDA is the official tracking of degree progress. Check their IDA each semester: create an audit using "Audit Request" and view results on "Audit Results"

  • Health Professions Office (click here): The HPO website includes lists of prerequisites, course timelines, Health Professions Coach appointment scheduling, and other application resources.

  • Minors & Certificates: Available minors & certificates for 2020-2022 catalog (click here) and 2022-2024 catalog (click here). Application processes are different depending on the program. Search for each program's individual website for more details about any application requirements and deadlines. 

Degree requirements for each plan can vary greatly by catalog year. For students on older degree plans, consult your advisor and your degree audit to confirm remaining requirements since course offerings may have changed.

2024-2026 Catalog: Incoming Freshmen and some transfer students starting in Fall 2024 will follow the 24-26 catalog. Drafts are posted below and finalized versions will be updated by the end of the summer.

Sample Plans:


The Department of Nutritional Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) or a Bachelor of Science & Arts (BSA) degree. See the BSA tab above for this option.

For additional NTR registration updates, see Departmental Information on lefthand menu or click here.

BS Nutrition:

  • Option 1 Dietetics: Didactic Program in Dietetics & Integrated Coordinated Program in Dietetics
  • Option 2 Nutritional Sciences
  • Option 3 Nutrition and Public Health 

Option 1 Dietetics: Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) & Integrated Coordinated Program in Dietetics (ICPD)

Students interested in becoming a Registered Dietitian Nutritionst (RDN) should pursue the Option I Dietetics: Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). This option qualifies graduates to apply to a dietetic internship which provides the supervised practice hours required to become an RDN. Note: effective January 1, 2024, the RDN profession will require a Master’s degree for entry into the profession. Many dietetic internship programs are paired with a Master’s degree for a program length of about 2 years.

Students also have the option of applying to the Integrated Coordinated Program in Dietetics (ICPD) as early as Junior year. This is an accelerated five-year program leading to completion of a BS Nutrition, Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences, and supervised practice hours necessary to become an RDN. Students may also apply Fall Senior year if needed for 6 years program total. Follow @texasicpd for the latest updates and current student accomplishments!

If you are close to graduating/have recently graduated with a different major or Nutrition degree option and have become interested in becoming an RDN, there are still graduate program options designed for this situation! Please reach out to the Human Ecology Advising Center for more information.

Also review the information on these websites and seek regular academic advising each semester:
-UT Dietetics website (click here)
-ICPD website (click here)
-School of Human Ecology Advising Center website with DPD & ICPD overview (click here)

Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD):
Integrated Coordinated Program in Dietetics (ICPD): Application Required. Includes Master's degree & supervised practice.

Dietetics Degree Planning Notes:

For a summary about DPD vs. ICPD, see the SoHE Advising Center website here.

The ICPD is an accelerated five-year program including BS Nutrition, MS Nutritional Sciences, and dietetic internship rotations to be eligible to sit for the RDN exam. Students can apply as early as Fall Junior (5 yrs program total), or as late as Fall Senior year (6 yrs program total) depending on your coursework timeline. Alternatively, students can remain on the DPD plan and apply for other programs outside of UT to complete after graduation. Follow @texasicpd for the latest updates and current student accomplishments!

DPD Nutrition Research Requirement: This is important to consider before Senior year to plan accordingly. The 22-24 and 24-26 catalog requires 6 hours (two courses) chosen from two specific options. See more details on your Degree Audit and the Human Ecology Advising Center website. Note this is not required for ICPD.

Course Planning Notes: The DPD and ICPD sample plans are similar through the Sophomore year to help students stay on track if you decide to apply to ICPD. However if you know that you are not applying to ICPD, classes can be spread out more into Junior and Senior years. Keep the following in mind for course planning:

  • NTR 317L Intro Nutrition Assessment and Education: Prioritize immediately after NTR 312, or as soon as possible if recently changed majors. See sample plan.
    • If applying to ICPD, this must be taken no later than Spring semester before applying due to prereqs for other courses (ex. take during Fall or Spring Sophomore).
  • NTR 162: Highly recommended by Fall or Spring Sophomore year to learn about RDN process.
  • Sequence Tip: Take NTR 326 --> BCH 369 --> NTR 342 --> NTR 343 back to back
    • Exception: NTR 343 is not required for ICPD because it is fulfilled later by a graduate course.
  • NTR 334 & 234L Foodservice Systems Mgmt with Lab: Best to complete Junior year to avoid time conflicts with other NTR courses, but can be taken Senior year if needed.
    • This often conflicts with NTR 342 (if 234L lab is only offered T/TH) and with NTR 365.5 & 365L Community Engagement gardening class which is one of the NTR Research options (details here). 
  • Fall/Spring Only: NTR 370 Medical Nutrition Therapy I is spring only, and NTR 371 Medical Nutrition Therapy II is fall only. They can be taken in either order as needed. 
  • If you stay on DPD/don't apply to ICPD, note there are a few courses required for DPD that aren't required for ICPD.
  • For ICPD, a few undergraduate courses are covered by MS graduate courses. You can delay taking these until after finding out about ICPD: NTR 339L, NTR 338W, NTR 343, Nutrition Research, SDS 324E.
    • However, if applying to ICPD in Fall Senior year instead of Junior year, plan courses accordingly to still graduate on time for DPD. See DPD sample plan above and meet with your advisor.


Option II Nutritional Sciences

Nutrition Research Requirement: See your Degree Audit and Human Ecology Advising Center website for more info about course options. It's helpful to consider these options before Senior year: 

  • NTR 355 Undergraduate Research requires pre-approval with a faculty member's lab in order to register. See NTR Faculty Research labs here and registration instructions here.
    • "wet lab" labs (ex. cancer cell research) might require you to be involved with the lab for multiple semesters due to training that may be needed. Plan to reach out sooner rather than later if interested in this type of lab and expect to maybe volunteer before doing it for 355 credit.
  • BIO 325L Genetics Lab is another potential option, however this is typically reserved for BIO majors during registration. Graduating Seniors can talk to their advisor about requesting a seat during registration for their final semester. Check Course Schedule to confirm available flags.

Option III Nutrition and Public Health

Approved Substitutions (for 20-22 and prior catalogs):

  • 6 hrs social science requirement: "two courses chosen from ANT 322M Topic 12: Mexican Immigration Cultural History, SOC 307M, 319, 354K, and 368D"
    • SOC 308S/HS 301 Intro to Health & Society is approved. No petition required.
    • ANT 322M is now ANT 322P. Typically spring-only.
    • SOC 369K Population & Society: this basically replaced SOC 319 and is approved.
    • Other potential options. Submit petition with advisor to confirm (based on newer 22-24 catalog options):
      • PSY 301, SOC 302, ANT 302, ECO 304K, 304L, and HDF 313 or 313H and 113L 

  • 9 hrs public health option coursework: "9 hrs chosen from" approved list
    • PBH 317 Intro to Public Health is approved. No petition required.
    • Other potential options. Submit petition with advisor (based on newer 22-24 catalog options):
      • GRG 339K, 344K, SOC 324K or 354K, ANT 301, N 309, HDF 304, PSY 304, 308, or GOV 370I

If you have any concerns about fulfilling these requirements, discuss options with your academic advisor. You may submit a petition for a different course to substitute if you feel it aligns with other similar approved options.

Option VI International Nutrition

**Please Note: This option is no longer be available beginning with the 2022-2024 catalog. Freshman starting in fall 2022 or later will not be able to select this option.

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