The School Advisory Council (SAC) serves as a link between the School of Human Ecology and the broader community. Advisory Council members provide support to the School of Human Ecology through their involvement in activities including resource development, public relations, creation of student advancement opportunities, and education of governmental, corporate and community groups regarding the value and necessity of the School of Human Ecology.
If you are interested in more information, please do not hesitate to contact Brandon Crabtree.
Sharon Wilson, Chair
Laura Winslow, Chair-Elect
Richard Hinojosa, Treasurer
Kendall Knaus, Secretary
Current Members
Susie Adams
Marilyn Askins
Leslie Bagby
Staci Barton
Ari Brown
Rosemary Campbell
Jai Chapple
Brenda Cialone
Meredith Cooper
Carol Crowley
Rusty Duvall
Marissa Epstein
Martha Ferguson
Tyrrell Flawn
Beth Gillham
Julie Harris
Annie Henson
Richard Hinojosa
Patty Hoffpauir
Beverly Jacomini
Susie Jastrow
Ann Kilby
Kendall Knaus
Pam Leshin
Karen Matthews
Jillian McLean
Sue Meller
Betty Melton
Jeanne Moses
Betty Sue Newton
Laura Pankonien
Mary Pitts
Nancy Prideaux
Debbie Raynor
Rachel Roane
Juiliana Ross
Justin Samuel
Judy Sauer
Shelley Scott
Nancy Sharp
Christie Skinner
Laura Suffield
Heather Toolin
Robin Wilder
Sharon Wilson
Shazalynn Winfrey
Laura Winslow
Tricia Wortley
Life Members
Carol Crawford
Nancy Payne
Jeanne Vier
Sonia Wolf Wilson
Honorary Members
Kathleen Beecherl
Sheldon Ekland-Olson
Deborah Jacobvitz
George McGonigle
Mark McLaughlin
Mary Ann Rankin
Ellie Schneider