UT Public Health Coalition Seminar Series

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Event starts at this time 10:10 am – 11:10 am
Virtual (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Elizabeth Matsui
Cost: Free
Join us for the next in our Spring 2025 Seminar Series! Elizabeth Matsui, Ph.D., with the Center for Heatlh & Environment will discuss their work and her focus on education and research.


Dr. Elizabeth Matsui | Associate Dean for Faculty Academic Affairs, Dell Medical School; Director, Center for Health & Environment: Education & Research (click arrow to read bio)

Elizabeth Matsui, M.D., is a pediatric allergist-immunologist and epidemiologist and a leading international expert on environmental exposures and their effects on asthma and other allergic conditions.  A major focus of Matsui’s work has been on housing-related exposures and her group identified endemic mouse infestation as the major environmental cause of asthma-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations among children in Baltimore and in other similar cities in the U.S. Her group followed up on this observation by developing and testing interventions to address infestation, which include integrated pest management strategies for individual households and housing policy interventions. She has worked with both local government and non-profits to address housing-related health issues and was recognized with the Baltimore City Health Equity Leadership Award in 2017.


Event Link

Please note: this session will start 10 minutes after our usual 10am time as to accommodate a prior commitment in Dr. Matsui's schedule.  We will begin this session at 10:10am CT.  

This event will be recorded and shared online. 

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