UT Public Health Coalition Seminar Series

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Event starts at this time 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Virtual (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Catherine Cunningham
Cost: Free
Join us for the next in our Spring 2025 Seminar Series! Catherine Cunningham, from the UT Center for Health Communication will discuss their partnership with Austin Public Health to create a fentanyl and overdose awareness campaign.


Catherine Cunningham, MS | Center for Health Communication, Moody College of Communication and Dell Medical School 

During this session, participants will hear from Catherine, a research associate who works across multiple CHC projects on a range of topics including fatherhood engagement, substance use, breast cancer, and health equity. She also studies how geographic identity and location interact with health behaviors and beliefs and is an evangelist for mapping data to improve health communication campaigns. 

She previously worked in the Kinesiology and Health Education department at UT-Austin on multiple projects, including with the Women, Infant, Children (WIC) program, a statewide obesity prevention program, and a statewide community-developed plan to end the HIV epidemic in Texas. She received her bachelor’s degree from UT-Austin in Latin American Studies and her Master of Science degree in Geography from Texas State University focusing on risk communication around environmental health issues along the U.S.-Mexico border. 



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