​When it comes to the fashion world, faculty in the Division of Textiles and Apparel are very aware of how quickly "it" items change. Their advice: find a personal style that doesn't continually pivot as the trends change.  

According to a recent news story, Ockhee Bego thinks that students at UT Austin can focus on purchasing quality items that reflect a personal style, often at resale boutiques found throughout the city.  

"Austin is...very self-expressing, If you don't have the budget [for designer quality clothing], you go buy a secondhand garment and make your own style," Bego told The Daily Texan.

Jessica Ciarla agrees. The freedom to create personal looks helps those living on a budget and also reduces the reliance on cheap labor and chemicals that fuel the "knockoff" fashion industry.

"It makes sense that you shouldn't be buying H&M and Forever 21 trendy looks because they're not in fashion, and they don't last, and it doesn't make sense for your finances or the environment," Ciarla told The Daily Texan. "If you look at trends in the fashion industry, there really isn't a solid trend anymore. Young people are creating their own looks."

Image credited to Steven Depolo