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Marci E Gleason

Associate Professor
Department of Human Development and Family Sciences


Phone: 512-471-1617

Office Location
SEA 2.446

Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

Ph.D., New York University (2004)
B.S., Pennsylvania State University (1998)

Research Interests

My substantive research interests center on the influence of major life transitions on adults’ mental, physical, and relationship health. The focus of my research program is on the fundamental question of how close relationships, as social contexts, influence individuals’ ability to cope with both big and small stressors associated with major life transitions. In order to gain a deeper understanding of this question, I conduct intensive longitudinal studies of dyads and groups that allow me to explore adjustment and change at the individual, group, and societal level.

Marci Gleason is not accepting graduate students to start in Fall 2024.

Recent Publications

Zahavi-Lupo, T., Lazarus, G., Pshedetzky-Shochat, R., Bar-Kalifa, E., Refoua, E., Gleason,M.E.J., & Rafaeli, E. (2022). His, hers, or theirs? Hope as a dyadic resource in early parenthood, The Journal of Positive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2022.2093780

Totenhagen, C. J., Randall, A. K., Bar-Kalifa, E., Ciftci, O., & Gleason, M. (2022). Daily stress and relationship quality: A two-decade scoping review from an intersectional lens. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. https://doi.org/10.1177/02654075221095870

Chen, S., Alers, F., Benner, A., & Gleason, M.E.J. (2022). Daily experiences of discrimination and ethnic/racial minority adolescents’ sleep: The moderating role of social support. Journal of Research on Adolescence. DOI: 10.1111

Lazarus, G., Pshedetzky-Shochat, R., Zahavi-Lupo, T., Gleason, M.E.J., & Rafaeli, E. (2021). Emotion differentiation during the transition to parenthood—Concurrent and prospective positive effects. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. DOI: 02654075211043291

Neff, L. A., Gleason, M.E.J., Crockett, E.E., & Ciftci, O. (2021). Blame the pandemic: Buffering the association between stress and relationship quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Psychological and Personality Science. DOI: 19485506211022813

Bar-Kalifa, E., Abba-Daleski, M., Pshedetzky-Shochat, R., Gleason, M.E.J., & Rafaeli, E. (2021). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a dyadic protective factor in the transition to parenthood, Psychophysiology.

Sened, H., Bar-Kalifa, E., Pshedezki, R., Gleason, M. E. J., & Rafaeli, E. (2020). Fast and Slow Empathic Perceptions in Daily Life Use Different Cues. Affective Science.

Bornstein, J. X., Rafaeli, E. & Gleason, M. E. J. (2020). Understanding in transition: The influence of becoming parents on empathic accuracy. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. DOI: 10.1177/0265407520924124

Ng Y.T., Huo M., Gleason M.E., Neff L.A., Charles S.T., & Fingerman K.L. (2021). Friendships in Old Age: Daily Encounters and Emotional Well-being. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbaa007

Sened, H., Bar-Kalifa, E., Pshedetzky-Shochat, R., Gleason, M., & Rafaeli, E. (2019). Mom-and-Pop Narcissism: The Impact of Attention Seeking and Grandiosity on Couples' Experience of the Transition to Parenthood. Journal of personality disorders, 67-86.

Kim, S. Y., Zhang, M., Zeiders, K. H., Sim, L., & Gleason, M. J. (2018). Acute salivary cortisol response among Mexican American adolescents in immigrant families. Cultural Diversity And Ethnic Minority Psychology, doi:10.1037/cdp0000218

Ryon, H., & Gleason, M. E. J. (2018). Reciprocal support and perceived control: Developing a better understanding of daily support transactions across a major life transition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Sened, H., Lazarus, G., Gleason, M. E. J., Rafaeli, E., & Fleeson, W. (2018). The use of longitudinal methods in explanatory personality research. European Journal of Personality.

Shrout, P.E., Stadler, G., Lane, S.P., McClure, M.J., Jackson, G.L., Clavel, F.D., Iida, M., Gleason, M.E.J., Xu, J.H., & Bolger, N. (2018). Initial elevation bias in subject reports. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (1), E15-E23.

Iida, M., Gleason, M. E. J., Rappaport-Green, A., Bolger, N., & Shrout, P. (2017). Daily coping choices and the influence of daily coping on anxiety under examination stress: A model of interindividual differences in intraindividual change. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 907-923. doi: 10.1177/0146167217700605

  • President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Award, 2020

  • College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award, 2012

Gleason, M.E.J., & Bornstein, J. (2020) Physiological Responses to Relationship Stress Across the Transition to Parenthood. Poster presented at the 2020 Annual Conference of Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA.

Gleason, M. E. J. As if Being Married Wasn’t Hard Enough: Support, Empathy, and Closeness across the Transition to Parenthood (2018). Invited paper to be presented at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Relationships Preconference. Seattle, Washington.

Crocket, E. E., Neff, L. A., & Gleason, M. E. J. Holding your tongue is costly: The ironic consequences of using emotional suppression to avoid marital conflict (2018). Paper presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Biennial Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Gleason, M. E. J., Bar-Kalifa, E., Pshedetxky-Shochat, R., Ryon, H., & Rafaeli, E. The influence of both perceived control and level of support on the benefits and costs of social support exchanges (2018). Paper presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Biennial Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Gleason, M. E. J. The importance of both perceived and felt competence in support exchanges (2018). Symposium moderated at the International Association of Relationship Research Biennial Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Bornstein, J. X. & Gleason, M. E. J. Understanding under duress: The influence of a major life stressor and daily stressors on empathic accuracy (2018). Paper presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Biennial Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Walsh, C., Neff, L., & Gleason, M. E. J. The role of emotional capital during the early years of marriage: Why everyday moments matter (2017). Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas.

Gleason, M. E. J. & Walsh, C. Daily marital satisfaction across the transition to parenthood: New parents are happier when their partners report feeling connected to their baby. (2016). Paper presented at the biennial conference of The International Association of Relationship Researchers, Toronto, Canada.

Gleason, M. E. J. and Ryon, H. Self-efficacy and social support: Support is unlikely to relieve anxiety when it is most needed. (2015). Paper presented at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference. Denver, Colorado.

Gleason, M. E. J. and Howland, M. We get what we give and feel better for it: Reciprocation of capitalization in couples. (2015). Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Long Beach, California.

Gleason, M. E. J. and Tennant, P. The relationship benefits of family activities. (2014). Paper presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Biennial Conference. Melbourne, Australia.


HDF 304: Family Relationships